
Modificación de impresos de la EDUZ

banderita inglesa


Se han modificado los siguientes impresos, disponibles en la web de la Escuela de Doctorado:

Se recuerda que es necesario emplear los impresos vigentes en la web y que no se tramitarán estas solicitudes en formatos antiguos a partir del nuevo curso (1 de septiembre de 2023).



EDUZ's forms modifications


The following forms have been modified and are available on the Doctoral School website:

Admission to the doctoral thesis procedure. As a new feature, from now on up to three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which the thesis is directly related must be indicated.

Proposal of the thesis committee. Please note that article 8, composition of the committee, of the Thesis Regulations of the University of Zaragoza calls for the promotion of gender parity in the composition of the committee.

Application for recognition of research experience (Spanish only). It is necessary to indicate the impact index and quartile corresponding to the year of publication of the merit.

It is reminded that it is necessary to use the current forms on the website and that these applications will not be processed in old formats from the new academic year (1 September 2023).



banderita inglesa