
La investigadora del IPH Natalia López gana el Premio de Investigación CIEUSAL para Tesis Doctorales sobre Lengua española y Lingüística hispánica.

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IPH researcher Natalia López wins the CIEUSAL Research Award for Doctoral Theses on Spanish Language and Hispanic Linguistics.


The International Spanish Language Centre of the University of Salamanca (CIEUSAL) announces this award with the aim of attracting talent and promoting excellence in the field of research in Spanish.

IPH researcher Natalia López Cortés has won one of the two CIEUSAL Research Prizes for Doctoral Theses on Spanish Language, Linguistics or Literature, specifically the one dedicated to works on Spanish Language and Hispanic Linguistics, with her thesis entitled "The nature of lexical ambiguity. A study on nouns in Spanish" and directed by Dr. Mamen Horno Chéliz (IPH).

Among the main strategic lines of action of the International Spanish Centre of the University of Salamanca (CIEUSAL) are the attraction of talent and the search for excellence in the field of research in Spanish. With the aim of promoting academic work in Language, Linguistics and Literature, the CIEUSAL announces these awards for research excellence for the best doctoral theses in the field of Spanish.

The winners will receive a mention from the Centro Internacional del Español of the USAL and their thesis will be published, with the modifications deemed appropriate, by the publishing house Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.



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