La Dirección de la EDUZ escucha a los representantes de doctorandos y doctorandas

EDUZ Management listens to the representatives of doctoral students
The Management of EDUZ wanted to meet and introduce themselves to the candidates elected in the last elections for representatives of doctoral students on the Management Committee of the School, held on 6 February 2025.
On 14 March, a delegation of them visited the new EDUZ headquarters and held a meeting with the management team and the centre's administrator, in which they expressed concerns and worries gathered from those they represent on various issues, highlighting the streamlining of the thesis submission procedure and aspects related to cross-disciplinary activities. The team gathered the possible solutions proposed, which are undoubtedly very interesting for continuing to work on facilitating administrative procedures and improving doctoral studies.
We are grateful for the generosity of these young people who have wanted to dedicate part of their time and talent to a task other than their research, putting themselves at the service of the community of doctoral students at the University of Zaragoza.