
II Conference: International Scientific Seminar PIECIT Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty

Zaragoza acoge el 17 y 18 de mayo, en la Facultad de Educación, la II Conference: International Scientific Seminar PIECIT Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty, dentro del proyecto Erasmus+ Prácticas Inclusivas de Enseñanza Creativa e Innovadora con TIC / TAC en escuelas de especial dificultad (PIECIT). Durante los dos últimos años el proyecto PIECIT ha analizado estos procesos inclusivos y creativos a través de las TIC/TAC en escuelas con especial dificultad.


La inscripción y asistencia a la conferencia es de carácter gratuito. Además, el proyecto PIECIT pone a disposición de los comunicantes la posibilidad de acceder a bolsas de viaje:

  1. Se ofrecen  20 ayudas de 300 euros cada una para congresistas procedentes de otros países que no sean España.
  2. Se ofrecen 20 ayudas de 100 euros cada una para congresistas nacionales de fuera de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón.

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Zaragoza hosts on 17 and 18 May, in the Faculty of Education, the II Conference: International Scientific Seminar PIECIT Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty, within the Erasmus+ project Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty (PIECIT). During the last two years the PIECIT project has analysed these inclusive and creative processes through ICT/ICT in schools with special difficulties.


Registration and attendance at the conference is free of charge. In addition, the PIECIT project offers participants the possibility of access to travel grants:

  1. 20 grants of 300 euros each are offered for conference participants from countries other than Spain.
  2. 20 grants of 100 euros each are offered for national congress participants from outside the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

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