Eva Cerezo Bagdasari, subdirectora de la EDUZ, participa en el Workshop "Establishing and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in doctoral education" (Braga, Portugal, 16 y 17 de enero)
Eva Cerezo Bagdasari, subdirectora de nuestra escuela, participó en el Workshop temático sobre "Establishing and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in doctoral education". Este tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Minho, en Braga, Portugal los días 16 y 17 de enero.
Además, participó como ponente en la mesa redonda "Deep dive: EDI current practices, new initiatives and challenges at EUA-CDE member institutions" donde presentó el curso transversal "Inclusión de la perspectiva de género en investigación de calidad" y el mentoring con perspectiva de género llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto Re-UNITA. Dicho programa cerró en el Paraninfo la semana anterior. Incluimos en la parte inferior fotos del evento.
Eva Cerezo Bagdasari, deputy director of EDUZ, participates in the Workshop "Establishing and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in doctoral education" (Braga, Portugal, 16 y 17 de enero)
Eva Cerezo Bagdasari, deputy director of our school, participated in the Thematic Workshop on ‘Establishing and advancing equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in doctoral education’. This took place at the University of Minho, in Braga, Portugal on 16 and 17 January.
She also participated as a speaker in the round table ‘Deep dive: EDI current practices, new initiatives and challenges at EUA-CDE member institutions’ where she presented the transversal course ‘Inclusion of the gender perspective in quality research’ and the mentoring with a gender perspective carried out in the framework of the Re-UNITA project. Photos of the event are included below.