
Entrega del Premio “Academia General Militar” a la Tesis Doctoral de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Curso 21-22.

banderita inglesa


El acto de entrega del Premio “Academia General Militar” a la Tesis Doctoral de la Universidad de Zaragoza de Mayor Interés para la Defensa del ciclo 21-22 tendrá lugar el próximo 23 de junio a las 12:30 horas, en el Salón de Actos de esta Academia.

El evento estará presidido por el Excmo. Sr. general director de la Academia General Militar y contará con la presencia de otras autoridades civiles y militares, personal docente de AGM, del Centro Universitario de la Defensa, de UNIZAR y de USJ, así como de caballeros y damas cadetes y familiares o acompañantes de los premiados.

En el mismo se hará entrega de los diplomas acreditativos de la concesión de este premio y de los Premios “Academia General Militar” al Mejor Expediente Académico de cada Facultad y Escuela, correspondientes al curso académico 2021-2022.

Posteriormente a la entrega de premios se impartirá la conferencia de clausura del ciclo de la Cátedra Cervantes del curso 2022-2023.




Awarding of the "General Military Academy" Prize for a Doctoral Thesis of the University of Zaragoza. Academic year 21-22.


The award ceremony of the "General Military Academy" Prize for the Doctoral Thesis of the University of Zaragoza of Greatest Interest for the Defence of the 21-22 cycle will take place on 23 June at 12:30 pm, in the Assembly Hall of this Academy.

The event will be presided over by the General Director of the General Military Academy and will be attended by other civilian and military authorities, teaching staff from AGM, the Defence University Centre, UNIZAR and USJ, as well as gentlemen and ladies cadets and relatives or companions of the award winners.

During the ceremony, the diplomas accrediting the awarding of this prize and the "General Military Academy" Prizes for the Best Academic Record of each Faculty and School, corresponding to the 2021-2022 academic year, will be presented.

The awards ceremony will be followed by the closing conference of the Cervantes Chair cycle for the 2022-2023 academic year.


banderita inglesa