
Distinción de Doctor honoris causa por el Consejo de Gobierno

El Consejo de Gobierno ha aprobado la concesión de la distinción de doctor honoris causa a D. Amado Franco Lahoz en el curso 2024-2025. La propuesta, presentada por el Departamento de Contabilidad y Finanzas, ha contado con informes favorables de la Junta Consultiva Académica y la Comisión de Doctorado, destacando la notable trayectoria de D. Amado Franco Lahoz en su campo.

El nuevo doctor honoris causa ha sido propuesto, según se argumenta en la memoria justificativa, debido a su destacable recorrido profesional y su contribución al desarrollo económico y social de Aragón, especialmente a través de su relación con la Universidad de Zaragoza. Su compromiso con la Universidad ha facilitado colaboraciones que han enriquecido la comunidad académica y social aragonesa, reflejando valores de excelencia, responsabilidad y compromiso comunitario.


Distinction of Doctor honoris causa by the Governing Council

The Governing Council has approved the award of the distinction of honorary doctorate to Mr Amado Franco Lahoz for the academic year 2024-2025. The proposal, presented by the Department of Accounting and Finance, has received favourable reports from the Academic Advisory Board and the Doctoral Committee, highlighting the remarkable career of D. Amado Franco Lahoz in his field.

The new honorary doctorate has been proposed, according to the justification report, due to his outstanding professional career and his contribution to the economic and social development of Aragon, especially through his relationship with the University of Zaragoza. His commitment to the University has facilitated collaborations that have enriched the academic and social community of Aragon, reflecting values of excellence, responsibility and community commitment.