
Cursos de doctorado - Conference on Human Capital Investments (Escuela de Doctorado Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Fundación ETEA y Loyola Behavioral Lab).

Córdoba, 22-25/06/2022

La Conference on Human Capital Investments contará con cursos específicos de doctorado que se podrán seguir tanto de forma presencial como virtual. Está será una oportunidad para conocer e intercambiar opiniones con personas de prestigio en su ámbito.

Se realizará certificado de asistencia por parte de la organización.

Behavioural insights for development – 6 Short Courses

As part of the Conference on Human Capital Investments, Middlesex University, Loyola and Fundación ETEA offer to all early career researchers registered in the Conference a block of three courses on Development Economics, Climate Change, and Networks, for a total of six lectures (two per block). These courses will be taught by six experts and will focus on the black box behind lab, lab-in-the-field, and field experiments, as well as behind network analysis.

These courses will share with the attendees what expert academics have learned "on the way" and is usually not taught in standard PhD courses. You will learn how to start thinking and designing your own experiment, how to contribute to the design and implementation of randomised control trials, as well as how to create your own network dataset.

Más información, aquí.