Representación de la UZ en las X Jornadas Doctorales y V Jornadas de Divulgación Científica del G9 - Oviedo, 31 mayo-1 y 2 junio 2023
Estos días 10 de nuestros doctorandos y doctorandas se han desplazado a Oviedo para participar en las Jornadas doctorales del G9 que cada año organiza una de las universidades del consorcio.
Les agradecemos su trabajo y les deseamos que saquen el máximo partido al encuentro.
Más información sobre las jornadas:
X Jornadas Doctorales y V Jornadas de Divulgación Científica.
Representation of the UZ in the 10th Doctoral Conference and 5th Scientific Dissemination Conference of the G9 - Oviedo, 31 May-1 and 2 June 2023
These days 10 of our doctoral students have travelled to Oviedo to participate in the G9 Doctoral Conferences organised every year by one of the universities of the consortium.
Specifically, from left to right, we see in the photo Beatrice Boumda (PD Accounting and Finance), Gonzalo García (PD Sociology of Public and Social Policies), Marc Millán (PD History of Art), Joaquín Montenegro (PD Agricultural and Environmental Sciences), María Beltrán (PD Psychology), Sandra Ardevines (PD Organic Chemistry), Celia Corbatón (PD Ancient Sciences), Javier Sáez (PD Mechanical Engineering), Sandra León (PD Medicine) and Seyed H. Bidooki (PD Biochemistry and Molecular Biology).
Two runners-up prizes were awarded to Beatrice Boumda and Gonzalo García for their papers "Sweepstakes: A network DEA approach to Tournament Behaviour of mutual funds" and "AUTOLESIONES. In a juvenile detention centre in Zaragoza (2012-2017)", respectively. Congratulations!
We thank them for their work and wish them to make the most of the meeting.
More information about the conference:
X Jornadas Doctorales y V Jornadas de Divulgación Científica.