Appointment of the examining board and authorisation of the defence
During the public exhibition period, any doctor may make any observations he or she deems appropriate regarding the content of the thesis.
No observations have been received during the public exhibition period.
If no observations have been received during the public exhibition period and the proposed examining board complies with current regulations, the Standing Committee of the EDUZ Steering Committee will appoint the members of the examining board and authorise the defence of the thesis within thirty school days from the date of the end of the public exhibition period. The appointment shall specify the full members who are to act as chairperson, secretary and member and the members who are to be the first and second substitutes. In the event of resignation of a member of the selection board, he/she shall be replaced by one of the substitute members in accordance with the rules governing the composition of the selection board.
The Doctoral School will send by electronic means to the PhD student, thesis supervisors, administrative offices, coordinators and members of the examining board the appointment letter, together with the thesis document, the activities document (DAD), the reports from external experts, as well as the document of the PhD student's response to the informants and a description of the changes made to the thesis, if applicable, and finally, any errata that the PhD student may have submitted in cases of authorisation of the deposit with the thesis report originally pre-deposited. The programme's Academic Committee may establish a complementary procedure to ensure that a hard copy of the thesis is sent to the members of the examining board. This copy must correspond exactly to the electronic document deposited.
The appointment will include the Tribunal's reference number, which will be necessary to make bookings with the travel agency and to fill in the per diem form . To arrange bookings, you should first contact to assess your needs.
Information on arranged accommodation
In addition, the Standing Committee of the EDUZ Steering Committee, in view of the documentation provided, will decide on the proposal to grant the mentions requested for the doctoral degree (international mention and/or industrial mention).
There is the possibility of participating by videoconference as a member of a doctoral thesis examining board if the doctoral student has requested a thesis defence by videoconference.
Observations received during the public exhibition period
If observations have been received during the public exhibition period, the thesis will be sent to the Doctoral Committee for a decision on the authorisation of its defence, within 30 academic days from the end of the public exhibition period. The Doctoral Committee will examine the documentation received and the observations submitted. It may also make use of any additional information it may obtain on its own initiative.
In the event that authorisation is refused, the decision will be reasoned and will be communicated to the PhD student, the thesis supervisor(s) and the academic committee responsible for the PhD programme. In response to the decision refusing authorisation, the PhD student and the thesis supervisor(s) may present allegations to the Doctoral Committee within a period of 7 academic days.
The Doctoral Committee will give a reasoned decision within the following 7 teaching days.