Modification of the supervisor or tutor
As stated in art. 1.4 of the Agreement of June 25, 2020, of the Governing Council of the University, which approves the Regulation on Doctoral Theses of the University of Zaragoza , the Academic Committee of the doctoral program may modify the assignment of the tutor and/or supervisor , provided there are justified reasons and the tutor, supervisor/s and doctoral student are heard.
To do this, the doctoral student must submit the form Request for modification of the designation of supervisor(s) and/or tutor of doctoral thesis - Inclusion of a third supervisor , duly completed and signed by all the parties involved (doctoral student, tutor and supervisor(s) who cause registration and/or withdrawal, with the approval of those who do not undergo modification).
Along with the previous form, a document must be attached explaining and justifying the proposed changes .
This documentation must be submitted through the Electronic Registry , addressed to the administrative headquarters of the corresponding doctoral program.
The Academic Committee of the corresponding doctoral program will be responsible for accepting, where appropriate, the proposed modifications and ensuring that the doctoral student is not left at any time without a tutor or supervisor. All parties are called to actively seek solutions and alternatives so that this does not happen. The agreement adopted will be sent to the Doctoral School as soon as possible.
When there is a change in the appointment of directors, the Academic Committee of the programme will ensure that at least one of the directors fulfils the requirement of having accredited research experience.
Triple supervision
According to art. 1.3 of the Agreement of June 25, 2020, of the Governing Council of the University, which approves the Regulation on Doctoral Theses of the University of Zaragoza , the incorporation of a third thesis supervisor will be exceptional and requires the authorization of the Doctoral Commission .
Therefore, you must submit the Request for modification of the designation of supervisor(s) and/or tutor of doctoral thesis - Inclusion of a third supervisor, which must be adequately justified, through the electronic Registry , directed to the administrative headquarters of the corresponding doctoral program.
Once it has been evaluated by the Academic Committee of the program, it will be sent, if appropriate, to the Doctoral School, which will submit a request to the Doctoral Committee for eventual approval based on the criteria approved by the EDUZ Steering Committee. .