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Court proposal

The proposal for the thesis examining board must be made by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme on the form designed for this purpose and will be sent to the Doctoral School together with the thesis deposit authorisation documentation. The proposal will include the necessary number of experts in the subject who, fulfilling the requirements specified below, will make up the examining board. It shall indicate the persons proposed as chairperson, secretary, member and first and second substitutes, as well as a reference to at least two publications by each of them directly related to the subject of the thesis or closely related to it. The substitutes may, in any case, act as chairperson, secretary and members.

The thesis assessment board will be composed of three full members and two substitutes. When the subject matter of the thesis so requires, the thesis supervisor may make a reasoned request to the academic committee responsible for the doctoral programme for the appointment of an assessment panel of five members and two substitutes, which must be authorised by the doctoral committee before the appointment of the panel is sent.

Each proposed member must hold a doctoral degree, be an expert in the subject of interest and have accredited research experience.

In the event that the thesis is eligible for an International Mention in the title of Doctor, at least one person on the examining board must belong to a higher education institution or a research centre outside Spain. In any case, research must be one of the main activities of the institution and it will be the academic committee of the programme that must justify this condition to the permanent committee of the management committee of the Doctoral School, for which it may request as many reports as it considers necessary.

The principle of balanced composition between women and men shall be guaranteed (first additional provision of Organic Law 3/2007, of 22 March, for the Effective Equality of Women and Men).

Qualifications of the members of the selection board

They may not sit on the selection board:

  • The supervisor(s) and tutor of the thesis, except in the case of theses presented within the framework of bilateral co-supervision agreements with foreign universities that so provide. In this case, the number of members of the examining board will be increased by the number of directors, and they will appear as members of the examining board only in the thesis reading report of the foreign university.

  • More than two members from the same institution. In any case, the full board will be made up of a majority of members from outside the University of Zaragoza and the institutions collaborating in the School or in the doctoral programme. For the purposes of their participation in a thesis tribunal, retired persons are counted as belonging to the institution in which they last served. In the event that the participation of substitute members is necessary, these restrictions must also be respected.

  • Those in whom there are circumstances in which the authorities and staff in the service of the Administration must abstain from intervening in the corresponding procedure, especially when they refer to the author of the thesis, the tutor or the supervisor(s). In particular, proposals for selection boards will not be accepted when any of their members have a marital relationship, or a similar de facto situation, or a blood relationship within the fourth degree or an affinity within the second degree.

  • The co-authors of the publications derived from the thesis, especially those provided in the case of a compendium thesis. On the other hand, doctoral students may not be co-authors of publications directly related to the subject of the thesis or closely related publications that are included in the proposal of the examining board.

  • The researcher(s) who received the student and/or carried out tutoring/direction tasks in the host institution during the stay, in the case of theses that qualify for an international mention in the doctoral degree. However, the persons who issued the report may form part of the examining board.

  • The person in charge designated by the company in the case of a thesis that qualifies for an industrial mention in the doctoral degree.



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