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Extensions and interruption of doctoral studies.


The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme, at the request of the doctoral student, may authorise the extension of the thesis deposit period by one year, notifying the Doctoral School of this decision.

The application must be submitted at least five months before the expiry date of this period, be endorsed by the thesis supervisor and include a report justifying the need to extend the stay in the programme, in addition to the work plan to be carried out and a detailed schedule of activities, as well as the planned date of deposit.

According to Royal Decree 576/2023, of 4 July, which amends Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, for doctoral students enrolled before the academic year 2023-2024, the academic committee of the doctoral programme may authorise the extension of the deadline for the deposit of the thesis by one more year if the studies are taken full time and by two more years if they are taken part time. In addition, exceptionally, the above extensions may be extended for an additional year. In this case, the application must be submitted to the academic committee of the doctoral programme at least five months before the expiry date of this period, be endorsed by the thesis supervisor and include a report justifying the need to extend the stay in the programme, in addition to the work plan to be carried out and a detailed schedule of activities, as well as the planned date of deposit. The academic committee shall issue a report on the appropriateness of the extension, which shall be sent together with the application to the Doctoral School. The Director of the Doctoral School will authorise or deny this exceptional extension.

Interruption of doctoral studies

During doctoral studies, situations may arise in which a doctoral student may temporarily or definitively withdraw from a doctoral programme, as explained below.

Temporary leave

Periods of temporary leave of absence will not be taken into account for the purposes of calculating the deadline for the completion of the thesis, and the activities that the doctoral student may carry out during this period cannot be taken into account as part of his or her training, nor can they be included in the Doctoral Activities Document (DAD).

The authorisation of temporary withdrawal does not exempt, in any case, from the renewal of enrolment for each academic year.

  • If the cancellation request is submitted for an academic year once the enrolment has been formalised, the amount corresponding to the academic supervision (not the secretary's fees or the school insurance) will be refunded if it is submitted within one month from the date of enrolment, as well as when the cancellation is due to a cause attributable to the University of Zaragoza.

  • If the application is submitted after the aforementioned date, the granting of the application will not imply the refund of the registration fee.

Temporary leave of absence due to a situation covered by current legislation

Situations of temporary incapacity, birth, adoption, foster care, risk during pregnancy, risk during breastfeeding and gender violence or any other situation contemplated in the regulations in force during the doctoral studies will interrupt the calculation of the deadline for the deposit of the doctoral thesis, causing temporary withdrawal from the Doctoral Programme.

This must be requested from the Academic Committee of the doctoral programme, attaching a copy of the sick leave report or medical report to the request. The Academic Committee will inform the School for Doctoral Studies.

Voluntary temporary leave

Doctoral students may request temporary leave of absence for a total of up to two years, either in a single period or in several periods. This request must be addressed and justified to the academic committee responsible for the doctoral programme, which will decide whether or not to grant the request.

According to Royal Decree 576/2023, of 4 July, which amends Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, doctoral students enrolled before the academic year 2023-2024 may request temporary withdrawal from the doctoral programme for a maximum period of one year, which may be extended for a further year.

This temporary leave may not be requested during the month prior to the date indicated in the doctoral academic calendar for the doctoral student to submit the documentation for the annual assessment, nor when the start date of the leave is after the maximum date for the deposit of the thesis. Nor may it be requested during the duration of the pre-doctoral contract, where applicable.

Definitive deregistration

It makes it impossible for the doctoral student to continue in the doctoral programme in which he/she was enrolled, closing his/her file. They will not be able to reapply for admission to the same programme until two years have passed since the date on which they left the programme. If reinstatement is approved, the doctoral student will start as a new student in that programme. However, he/she may be admitted and enrol on another programme, and be considered a new doctoral student on the same programme.

These are causes for permanent leave:

  • The second negative evaluation, with reasons given by the academic committee of the doctoral programme, after hearing the interested party.

  • Exceeding the maximum deadline for the date of deposit of the doctoral thesis.

  • Dropout from the second year of the doctoral programme.


Frequently asked questions
