Call for the defence event
The defence event for the thesis will be called by the chair of the tribunal and communicated by the secretary to the Doctoral School by submitting the form for communication of the defence event at least ten academic days before it takes place, sending it by email to The date indicated must be an academic day within the four months following the appointment of the tribunal. The Doctoral School will announce the defence to the university community.
The Doctoral School will send the secretary of the thesis panel the documentation relating to the defence within ten days immediately prior to the date of the defence.
Contract management postdoctoral orientation period (POP)
PhD students with a pre-doctoral contract who are going to defend their thesis on a date that allows them to sign a POP contract, according to their call for applications, should contact the Research Management Service (SGI,, one month in advance. Subsequently, a communication will be sent to the Teaching and Research Staff department to formalise the POP contract, which will begin the day after the date of the doctoral thesis defence.