Call for learning mobility between Erasmus+ Programme Countries and non-associated third countries | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation |
Call for UNITA Rural Mobility Internship Programmes | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation |
Call for mobility actions in Iberus Campus universities | Iberus Campus |
Call for international mobility places for short-term doctoral students within the Erasmus programme. Academic year 2023-2024 | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation |
Complementary mobility grants for active FPU pre-doctoral contract holders | Ministry of Universities |
Aid for Short Stays for beneficiaries of pre-doctoral contracts (FPI) | Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities |
Mobility of pre-doctoral research staff in training (DGA) | Government of Aragon |
Erasmus + Studies | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation |
Mobility grants UNITA-Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation |
Erasmus+ Traineeships (More information about applying for Erasmus+ traineeships and mobility for foreigners, here) | Vice-Rectorate for Internationalisation and Cooperation |
Erasmus+ Internships (Specific call for PhD students from Campus Iberus) | Iberus Campus |
Erasmus+ KA1 "Spanish Universities for EU projects". | Iberus Campus |
Universtage scholarships for international internships | UZ Guidance and Employment Service (UNIVERSA) |
Santander Erasmus+ UZ Grants | Banco Santander |
CAI-Ibercaja Research Stays Programme (permanently open call) | Caja Inmaculada Foundation (CAI) |
Fundación Sabadell research grants (for Spanish researchers who are working on their doctoral thesis at a Spanish university or scientific centre and have already completed the first year of their doctoral studies). | Sabadell Foundation |
Santander Grants - Research (see those open to the UZ) | Banco Santander |
Santander Scholarships - Languages (see those open for the UZ) | Banco Santander |
AUIP International MobilityGrants | Ibero-American University Postgraduate Association (AUIP) |
Scientific calls | French Embassy in Spain |
Pre-doctoral mobility aid programme for short stays | Agri-Food Institute of Aragon IA2 |
France Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme | Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. |
Fullbright scholarships to study a master's degree or doctorate in the United States. | Fulbright Spain |
Grants for post grade studies abroad | Fundación La Caixa |