Recognition of research experience
To request recognition of research experience for the purposes of directing/supervising and participating in doctoral thesis panels at the University of Zaragoza (when the research merits required by the Doctoral Commission are met: CNEAI evaluation criteria included in the resolution of 21 November 2022), the form according to the corresponding branch, through Solicit@ (catalogue "Doctoral School").
If the interested party has credentials, they can apply directly. If not, they can self-registration and send a copy of your ID to registration so that they can provide you with your credentials. Alternatively, you can act through a representative, for which you must complete this form.
Forms to request research experience
In RD 576/2023, of 4 July, accredited research experience is defined as the possession of, at least one period of research activity recognised by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) in application of Royal Decree 1086/1989, of 28 August, on the remuneration of university teaching staff, or, in the event that it is not possible to accredit it in this way, to have comparable research merits, as established in the regulations of the university itself.
- Agreement of 29 February 2024, of the Steering Committee of the Doctoral School, regarding the requirement of accredited research experience of tutors, directors, co-directors and members of thesis panels and condition of being linked to the tutors' doctoral programme.
- Criteria for the recognition of research experience for the supervision and tutoring of doctoral theses and/or membership of doctoral thesis evaluation committees at the University of Zaragoza (Agreement of 30 October 2024, of the Doctoral Committee).
Cosupervision without research experience