Admission for processing
The academic committee will decide on the admission for processing of the pre-submitted thesis together with the required documentation within ten academic days following the pre-submission (or from the correction, if applicable), taking into consideration its contributions to knowledge in the field in which it has been developed, as well as the quality of its writing and presentation. If the thesis is accepted for processing, the administrative office of the programme will send the following to the Doctoral School by internal communication:
The documentation submitted by the doctoral student in the pre-deposit, including the application for admission to process the thesis duly signed by the programme coordinator.
Proof of the pre-deposit of the thesis through Solicit@
The Reports of the thesis directors on the doctoral thesis
The List of external informants for the evaluation of doctoral theses
The confidentiality agreements (MOD-CP-2) completed by the members of the Academic Committee, in the case of a thesis declared to contain protected content.
In the event that the thesis is not admitted for processing by the Academic Committee of the programme, the resolution will be motivated and communicated to the doctoral student and the thesis directors. The doctoral student may submit allegations to the Doctoral Committee within a period of seven academic days. The Doctoral Committee will issue a reasoned decision within the following seven academic days. In the event that the thesis is not accepted for processing, if the doctoral student has not exhausted the time spent in the Doctoral Programme (with respect to the original deposit deadline), they may proceed again with a new application for admission and pre-deposit of the thesis.