Documentation to be enclosed with the application for admission to the thesis process
General procedure
Doctoral thesis admission form.
Thesis document in electronic format (pdf) with a standardised cover page.
The thesis may be written and, where appropriate, defended in Spanish or in the usual languages for scientific communication in the field of study. In any case, the thesis must include an extensive summary and conclusions in Spanish, although it is not compulsory for part of the defence to be in Spanish.In the case of a thesis by compendium of publications, the general introduction and the discussion and conclusions shall have a combined length of no less than ten thousand words and shall be written in Spanish or in a language customary for scientific communication in the field of knowledge. In the latter case, the thesis must also include a comprehensive summary and conclusions in Spanish.
In the case of theses that qualify for an international mention, part of the doctoral thesis, at least the summary and conclusions, must be written and defended in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in its field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain. This rule does not apply when the stays, reports and experts come from a Spanish-speaking country. If the thesis is presented in English or in a language of scientific dissemination other than the official languages in Spain, the thesis must contain at least an abstract and conclusions in Spanish. However, what is indicated in the PhD programme's verification report must be taken into account.
Summary of the thesis in the language in which the thesis is written (Word format recommended and no longer than 500 words). It will be sent to the external informants when EDUZ contacts them to ask for their availability to write the report.
Responsible statement on aspects relating to unacceptable practices such as plagiarism.
Declaration regarding the open publication of the doctoral thesis in the institutional repository of the University of Zaragoza (form MOD-TUZ-1) . Information on how to fill in this form can be found in the instructions for the open publication of the thesis in the institutional repository. More information at Tesis Doctorals en Red.
Theses subject to confidentiality
Application for declaration of theses with protected content.
Special thesis modalities
International Doctorate Mention
Application for the international mention in the doctoral degree.
Certificate(s) of the research stay(s) for which the mention is requested, clearly indicating the name(s) of the person(s) responsible, the start and end dates of the stay(s) and the activities carried out. In any case, they must be subsequent to the first enrolment in the programme. The certificates must have been signed by the person in charge of the stay in the corresponding centre. There is no specific model, but the document certifying the stay will bear the letterhead and/or logo of the host institution and will generate certainty for the purposes of accrediting compliance with the stay requirement.
Industrial Doctorate Mention
The agreement and addendum, if applicable, must be signed and in force.
Application for the industrial mention in the doctoral degree.
Copy of the student's employment or commercial contract and employment history.
Report on the development of the thesis with industrial mention by the director/s and the person responsible in the company accrediting that the thesis has been developed in accordance with the report approved at the time by the Standing Committee of the Steering Committee.
Theses under international co-supervision
The agreement and addendum, if applicable, must be signed and in force.
Attach in the Doctoral Activities Document (DAD) the proof of the required stay at each university.
The two external experts' reports can be submitted together with the application for admission to the University of Zaragoza, if they have been previously obtained through the procedure available at the co-tutelage universities. However, they must be submitted in accordance with the model form available.
- In the case of theses under international co-supervision in which the co-supervising university also requires the submission of reports by external experts, and these have been previously obtained by that university following its own procedures, the doctoral student may submit them together with the pre-deposit of the thesis at the University of Zaragoza. However, they must be submitted in accordance with the form Report of the external expert on the doctoral thesis.
Theses by compendium of publications
Application for a doctoral thesis as a compendium of publications.
Express waiver by the co-authors -non-doctors- of the publications to present these works as part of another doctoral thesis in this modality, since the works carried out in co-authorship can only be integrated in one thesis in the modality of compendium of publications.
Copies of the acceptance letters of the works pending publication (if applicable), the impact factor of the journals and subject areas corresponding to the publications included in the thesis and the justification of the PhD student's contribution if the work is co-authored.
According to Royal Decree 576/2023, of 4 July, which modifies Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, all theses deposited from the academic year 2024-2025 onwards must be accompanied by a minimum of two reports issued by PhD experts in the subject, external to the University of Zaragoza, who may propose aspects for improvement and who may form part of the examining board that assesses the thesis.
Depending on the content of these reports, the academic committee will give the doctoral student a deadline to respond and, if necessary, include the relevant modifications in the doctoral thesis before it is deposited.
The procedure to be followed is specified in the RESOLUTION of 28 August 2024, of the Rector of the University of Zaragoza, by which the Procedure for the deposit of doctoral theses of the University of Zaragoza is made public.