Delivery of the documentation generated during the defence
Once the defence has been completed, the secretary of the tribunal or the person designated for this purpose during the constitution of the tribunal shall deliver the following documentation to the Doctoral School within a maximum period of two working days:
Minutes with the overall grade awarded to the thesis according to the following scale: Unsatisfactory, Pass, Distinction and Distinction with Honours.
Report evaluating the doctoral thesis from each member of the examining board.
TESEO form duly completed and signed.
Sealed envelope with the ballot papers of each member of the examining board, where they will have indicated the secret vote, favourable or unfavourable, regarding the mention cum laude (which will be awarded only if the overall grade is outstanding and there is unanimity on the part of all the members of the examining board). The envelope must be signed by the secretary and a member between the flap and the seal. The counting of the votes for the awarding of the distinction will take place in the administrative section of the Doctoral School, in the presence of the member of the tribunal designated to receive the documentation. The Doctoral School will inform the doctoral student whether they have obtained the distinction.
In accordance with the Agreement of 31 January 2024 of the Doctoral Commission, which approves the requirement to obtain the affirmative vote of each and every one of the members of the thesis panel in order to apply for the Extraordinary Doctorate Award, each member of the panel must submit the ballot for the Extraordinary Award, in accordance with the evaluation criteria for the Extraordinary Doctorate Awards in that branch.
Minutes of the agreement relating to the defence of the thesis with protected content (MOD-CP-3), if the defence has been carried out in a restricted manner, in theses declared to have content protected by the Academic Committee of the programme.
Theses defended under the joint supervision modality: In the event that the thesis is defended at the University of Zaragoza, the member of the tribunal appointed for this purpose shall deliver the corresponding documentation to the administrative section of the Doctoral School and shall send the necessary documentation to the foreign university. In the event of the defence taking place at the foreign university, the member of the tribunal designated for this purpose shall deliver or send the corresponding documentation to the administrative section of the Doctoral School within a period of five days.