TESEO form and defence fees
The Doctoral School will inform the doctoral candidate of the authorisation to defend the thesis. The notification will include instructions on the process to be followed until the thesis defence, including the completion of the information in the doctoral thesis database (TESEO) and the payment of the defence fees.
TESEO form
The doctoral student must fill in the TESEO form. To do this, they must register in the Ministry's Doctoral Thesis Database, TESEO, and create a new form, in which they will enter all the details of their thesis. When filling it in, the following must be taken into account:
That the UNESCO classification is indicated.
If the thesis has more than one supervisor, they should all be listed as ‘Supervisor’.
Only the full members of the examining board should be listed.
The User Manual for Doctoral Students from TESEO offers comprehensive help, which can be consulted if there are any doubts about how to fill in the forms.
Once the form has been completed, it must be signed by the secretary of the examining board and sent to the Doctoral School together with the rest of the documentation for the defence.
After the thesis defence and the review of the documentation, the Doctoral School will send the completed form to the Ministry for inclusion in the TESEO Database.
Defence fees
The Doctoral School will send the doctoral candidate the necessary documentation for them to pay the fee corresponding to the defence of the doctoral thesis, according to the annual amount established in the Decree on public prices.
Queries: tesis@unizar.es