Archiving the doctoral thesis
Once the doctoral thesis has been approved, the University of Zaragoza will take charge of its archiving in an open electronic format in an institutional repository and will send the necessary information to the relevant Ministry for the appropriate purposes. To do this, the instructions in the Instruction regarding the open publication of doctoral theses in the institutional repository of the University of Zaragoza will be followed. The library of the University of Zaragoza recommends that, as a general rule, a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works licence be chosen.
Correction of errors in the doctoral thesis document
Errata sheet
In relation to the possible introduction of corrections to the thesis document, the Instruction on the open publication of doctoral theses in the institutional repository of the University of Zaragoza establishes that the original thesis in the repository may not be modified, as it is an electronic copy of the one deposited in the University Archive. However, in order to correct any possible involuntary errors detected in the text of the thesis, the author may subsequently request that EDUZ add a page of errata to the repository.
To do this, the doctoral student can submit an erratum sheet of the thesis to the Doctoral School at any time and through the electronic registry, for addition to the institutional repository. The Doctoral School will send the aforementioned erratum sheet to the library for inclusion in the repository.
Corrected version of the thesis
In exceptional circumstances, with the approval of the thesis supervisor and within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of the thesis defence, the doctoral candidate may request the addition of a corrected version of the thesis to the repository. This document will be duly identified. Under no circumstances may this version replace the thesis document initially deposited.