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Fri , 28/06/2024 - 10:21

Enrollment in a Doctorate Program

MENTOR Program for international students
Once admitted to the doctoral program, students who wish to do so may request a mentor who will guide them through the relevant administrative and academic processes at the university and other procedures to facilitate their adaptation to the city and, in general, to the doctorate.


Enrollment in PhD academic supervision must be formalized annually within the deadlines provided in the academic calendar , during all years of doctoral training and until the thesis is deposited, even in situations of temporary absences (the economic conditions in these cases are detailed here ). Otherwise, it will be considered a reason for abandoning doctoral studies.

The deposit of the doctoral thesis must be done within the academic year in which the doctoral student is enrolled . Those who postpone it until a date after the last day of said academic year must formalize enrollment in the new course.

In the case of newly admitted doctoral students in the 2023-2024 academic year and subsequent years, the date of registration constitutes the start date of the doctoral studies , for the purposes of calculating the deadline for depositing the thesis.

In application of the first transitory provision of Royal Decree 576/2023, which amends Royal Decree 99/2011, for doctoral students enrolled before the academic year 2023-2024, the date of admission is maintained as the starting date for doctoral studies.

Once registration has been completed, the Doctorate Letter must be submitted through the Solicit@ platform within a maximum period of two months, a document that establishes the rights and duties of the doctoral student, and that details the supervisory functions of the director and of the tutor, signed by the doctoral student, tutor, director, coordinator of the corresponding Doctoral Program and director of the Doctoral School.

Form of application

In the ordinary period , it will be formalized through self-registration through the virtual secretariat of the University of Zaragoza. To be able to do this, it is essential to have previously obtained the PIN and the administrative password .

During the extraordinary period, the completed and signed Enrollment in Academic Tutoring for Doctorate form must be submitted  , sent to the Doctoral School through the electronic registry .

Tuition fee

The public fees corresponding to the tuition fee for academic tutoring, secretarial fees, school insurance and file opening are established annually by the Government of Aragon. 

Doctoral students will be able to benefit from the discounts on their tuition payment established by the University of Zaragoza for its students.

Those who have obtained Honors in studies prior to the Doctorate must register in the indicated manner, choosing POS as payment method and send an email to informing of this circumstance and communicating the chosen payment method, in case of not maintaining POS payment. Once the checks have been carried out, the registration will be regularized and a copy of it will be sent.

Study grants for academic tutoring of doctoral degrees
The University of Zaragoza, with funding from the Government of Aragon, annually announces these grants , with the aim of promoting the public service of higher education, providing an effective framework of equality in access and academic progression of University students in their university studies through a reduction in their cost.

Documentation to submit

Documents issued by a country outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) must be legalized by the corresponding means according to the country of issue. Likewise, when the documents are in languages ​​other than Spanish, English or French, they must be accompanied by their official translation into Spanish .
In the case of documents not signed electronically that entail the right to free or reduced tuition or the SEPA document, in the event that the account holder is not the doctoral student themselves , as well as in the case of degrees , it will be necessary to present a copy and original for comparison, or certified copy at the Doctoral School (c/Pedro Cerbuna, 12, Edificio Interfacultades, 50009, Zaragoza). The rest of the documentation can be sent to the email , indicating in the subject the name of the doctoral student.

Newly admitted doctoral students

To complete the first registration, doctoral students must present the following documentation to the Doctoral School :

  • Photocopy of ID or passport .

  • If you choose direct debit as payment method , SEPA direct debit request signed by the account holder (this document is generated together with the registration in case this payment method is chosen for the first time or a payment has been made). modification of the account holder. If it is not generated, it is not necessary to present it).

  • If you are entitled to free or reduced registration :

    • The document or certification issued by the competent authority that justifies the reason for free (large family card, proof of disability, etc.)

    • The staff of the University of Zaragoza entitled to the benefit of free tuition, as well as their spouse and children under 26 years of age who lack financial independence, are exempt from providing supporting documentation; as well as those who have obtained Honors in the last master's course completed at the University of Zaragoza, although in this case they must notify the Doctoral School ( ). 

  • Copy of the  accident insurance receipt , if you are over 28 years of age.

  • Degree for access to the Doctorate:

    • Students who have obtained it at the University of Zaragoza do not need to present it.

    • Students who have obtained it at another Spanish university must present a copy and original for comparison or a certified copy.

    • Students who have obtained it at non-Spanish universities belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) will present a copy and original for comparison or a certified copy. Additionally, they must present :

      • European Diploma Supplement (SET).

      • If you do not have it due to having obtained the degree before 2003:

        • European Qualifications Framework Level 7 Accreditation .

        • Certification issued by your home university indicating that the degree obtained entitles, in the country that issued the degree, access to Doctoral Programs .

    • Students who have obtained it in a  country outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) will present a copy and original for comparison or a certified copy of the legalized degree . Additionally, they must present:

Doctoral students with continuation enrolment

Doctoral students who formalize enrollment in second or subsequent academic supervision courses must present:

  • If you choose direct debit as payment method , SEPA direct debit request signed by the account holder (this document is generated together with the registration in case this payment method is chosen for the first time or a payment has been made). modification of the account holder. If it is not generated, it is not necessary to present it).

  • If you are entitled to free or reduced registration :

    • The document or certification issued by the competent authority that justifies the reason for free (large family card, proof of disability, etc.)

    • The staff of the University of Zaragoza entitled to the benefit of free tuition, as well as their spouse and children under 26 years of age who lack financial independence, are exempt from providing supporting documentation; as well as those who have obtained Honors in the last master's course completed at the University of Zaragoza, although in this case they must notify the Doctoral School ( ). 

  • Copy of the  accident insurance receipt , if you are over 28 years of age. 

Ex officio cancellation of doctoral registration

The university will proceed, ex officio, to cancel enrollment in doctoral academic supervision in a given course if all public prices have not been paid within the established period or if the doctoral student does not meet the established requirements . In any case, the interested party will be granted a period of ten business days so that he can correct the fault.

Doctoral students who wish to enroll after their registration has been canceled ex officio , may do so under the following conditions, and must pay the full fees for the course in which registration has not been formalized:

  • Before the end of the corresponding academic year, after submitting the request for late registration authorization to the director of the Doctoral School and receiving a positive response.

  • In the first official registration period of the course following the cancellation, with the approval of the Academic Committee of the doctoral program. 

The activities that the doctoral student can carry out without being enrolled cannot be taken into account as part of their training nor be incorporated into the Doctoral Activities Document (DAD).



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