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Fri , 28/02/2025 - 02:31

Alumni awards

Outstanding doctoral awards from the University of Zaragoza

Choose the presentation according to the branch of knowledge:

Arts and Humanities



Summary table of merits




Summary table of merits

Health Sciences



Summary table of merits

Social and Legal Sciences



Summary table of merits

Engineering and Architecture



Summary table of merits

Academic year 2023-2024

  • Call for applications

  • For theses read from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024

  • Submission of applications: from 16/09/2024 to 30 September 2024


Publication in eTOUZ

Publication of the provisional list of applications accepted and excluded by the academic committees


Publication of the final list of applications accepted and excluded by the academic committees


Publication of the provisional proposal of theses selected by the academic committees (*)


Publication of the final proposal for theses selected by the academic committees


Publication of the provisional award proposal by the Doctoral Commission (*)


Publication of the final award proposal by the Doctoral Committee


Presentation of the diplomas accrediting the awards



(*) Printed to access files in case of making allegations


Academia General Militar (AGM) Prizes


Call for applications 2023-24

For theses read between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024.

Submission of applications from 9/9/24 to 9/10/24

Provisional list of accepted and rejected applications

Publication on 31 October 2024


Definitive list of accepted and rejected applications

Published on 29 November 2024.


Provisional proposal AGM 2023-24 awards

Publication of the award proposal on 31 January 2025. Claims until 7 February 2025.


Definitive proposal AGM 2023-24 awards

Submission of the final proposal to the Governing Council on 28 February 2025.

Not Published

Definitive agreement of the Governing Council

Before 15 May 2025.

Not published




Other awards

Third Millennium AwardsDoctoral Thesis PrizesResearch awards for best thesis, Master's and Bachelor's degree theses


Organising entity

Award for the best doctoral thesis in the field of the integral water cycleAqualia Chair of the Integral Water Cycle
Enrique Fuentes Quintana AwardsFUNCAS
Heraldo de Aragón 
Gonzalo Borrás Chair 
Aragon Economic and Social Council Award for Doctoral ThesesCESA
Awards for the Best Doctoral ThesisMAZ UNIZAR Chair
"Thesis in 3 minutes" awardCampus Iberus
Chair of the Blanca Foundation for Sports Support at the University of Zaragoza 
Awards for doctoral theses Nicolás Pérez Serrano, Juan Linz, Luis Díez del Corral, Eduardo García de Enterría and Clara CampoamorCentre for Political and Constitutional Studies (CEPC)
Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis in Calorimetry and Thermal AnalysisGECAT
Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis in PhotochemistryGRUFO Group of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)
Santander Prize for Doctoral Thesis Projects on the use of ICT in teachingBanco Santander Chair

Chemistry Group Award for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.

Chemistry Group for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage

Prize for a thesis with a subject matter limited to the field of ceramics and glassSpanish Ceramics and Glass Society

AgroBank Chair Award for the best Doctoral Thesis

AgroBank Chair

Award for the best doctoral thesis in rheology

Portuguese Society of Rheology and Spanish Group of Rheology

"ANTONIO ALDAZ" Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in the field of Electrochemistry

GE Group of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)

Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in the field of energy and sustainability

GEEN Group of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)

Award for the best Doctoral Thesis in the field of carbohydratesGEHIC Group of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ)

Awards for the best Doctoral Thesis


42nd Edition of the Research Awards

Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain

"Doctora de Alcalá" Research Prizes for Excellence in Research

University of Alcalá

27th 'J. García-Siñeriz' Doctoral Thesis Prize in Geophysics

García-Siñeriz Foundation


National Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Spain

2022 Alberto Rábano Prize for basic and clinical neuroscience

Romanillos Foundation

7th AgroBank Chair Award for the Best Doctoral Thesis

AgroBank Chair at the University of Lleida

5th Prize for Doctoral Theses on Development Cooperation 

Group 9 of Universities

Best Doctoral Thesis in Archaeology

Editorial Almuzara

Best Doctoral Thesis in Architecture and Construction Sciences


GENAM Prize for the Best Doctoral Theses


Research Prizes of the Spanish Computer Science Society

BBVA Foundation

Ibero-American Doctoral Thesis Research Prize

Yuste Foundation

Spanish Nuclear Society Prize for doctoral theses

Spanish Nuclear Society

Best Doctoral Thesis in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Samca Chair

Best Doctoral Thesis in Digital Humanities 

BBVA Foundation

Enrique Fuentes Quintana Prizes for doctoral theses


Aragón Hydrogen Foundation Prizes for Doctoral Theses

Aragón Hydrogen Foundation

Best Doctoral Thesis

MAZ Chair

Prizes for doctoral theses on "Violence against women"

Government Delegation against Gender Violence

42nd Edition of the Research Awards

Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain

Award for doctoral theses from the Economic and Social Council of Aragon

Economic and Social Council of Aragon


