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Thu , 27/02/2025 - 11:49

Pre-deposit of the doctoral thesis

Once the thesis has been completed and the corresponding report has been prepared, before the end of their time on the doctoral programme, the doctoral student will pre-submit their thesis through the Solicit@ platform, addressed to the required documentation

Theses prepared under joint supervision must be submitted to all participating universities

The pre-submission of the thesis must be done within the academic year in which you are enrolled, so if the pre-submission is made after the end of the course indicated in the academic calendar and enrolment in the new academic year will be required. In any case, the school insurance or accident insurance must be up to date.

Likewise, thesis supervisors will send their report to the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme via the electronic register, following the template Thesis supervisor's report on the doctoral thesis, and may include their proposal for researchers who can carry out the required external reports.

The programme office will check that the appropriate documentation has been provided, paying special attention to theses that are eligible for one of the special modalities contemplated by the regulations. If necessary, the programme office will request that the documentation provided be corrected, which will result in an interruption of the established deadlines.

Correction of errors in the doctoral thesis document


Frequently asked questions