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Admission to a Doctoral Program

Admission to a Doctoral Program is the responsibility of its Academic Committee, which may establish additional requirements and criteria for the selection and admission of students, so specific information on admission must be consulted on the website of the corresponding Doctoral Program and follow the instructions there.
5% of the places offered will be reserved for students who have a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% , as well as for students with permanent special educational needs associated with personal circumstances of disability, who in their previous studies have required resources. and support for its full educational normalization.



The application for admission to a Doctoral Program must be submitted within the ordinary period established in the academic calendar , through the virtual secretariat . On an extraordinary basis and as long as the program has places, applications may be submitted outside the ordinary period, through the  electronic registry  or any of the records indicated in art. 16 of  Law 39/2015 , for which the application form for admission to doctoral studies must be completed.

Those who have signed a predoctoral contract may be admitted even if the doctoral program has the offered places filled.

Those who are pending obtaining the academic requirements necessary for access to the doctorate may submit their application during the ordinary admission period and be considered by the academic committees of the programs. In any case, admission may not be granted without accreditation that the aforementioned access requirements are met before the date of publication of the final admission lists of the programs.

Necessary documentation

The request must be accompanied by the following documentation:

  • Photocopy of the identity document or passport.

  • Photocopy of the university degree or degrees that allow access to a doctorate. If it is a non-approved foreign degree issued by a country in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), in addition:

  • Motivation letter to pursue doctoral studies expressing interest in some line of research in the program (up to two) and proposing one or two researchers as possible thesis directors ( mandatory ).

  • Endorsement of the possible thesis director, if applicable.

  • European Diploma Supplement (SET) or, failing that, personal academic certification .

  • In your case, Curriculum Vitae .

  • If applicable, accreditation of the language level required by the Doctoral Program.

  • If applicable, declaration of equivalence of the average grade of foreign studies.

  • If applicable, foreign degree homologation credential .

  • Where applicable, resolution of the application for access to a doctorate with a non-approved foreign degree from a country outside the EHEA , or failing that, proof of having requested it.

  • If applicable, documentation of the disabled condition .

  • If applicable, request for part-time enrollment , accompanied by the relevant documentation (mandatory) .

  • If applicable, personal academic certificate of having passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a program to obtain an official degree in one of the specialties in Health Sciences .

  • Additional documentation required by the program for which admission is requested.

Applicants will be allowed to make prior communication of their identification data and other admission requirements, providing a simple copy of the documentation. 

If they are admitted, they must present at the time of registration the original documentation or, failing that, a certified copy or, where appropriate, duly legalized , of the same, which may be subject to verification, control and inspection based on the faculties attributed to the University of Zaragoza for this purpose. The inaccuracy, falsehood or omission of the data or documents included in the prior communication will mean the cancellation of the awarded place, without prejudice to any criminal, civil or administrative responsibilities that may arise .

Lists of admitted and excluded

In view of the documentation presented, the academic committee of the program will decide whether or not to admit the applicant. It may also declare a candidate unsuitable based on the information contained in the motivation letter submitted with the application.

According to the academic calendar , the provisional and definitive lists of admitted and excluded people will be displayed on the University notice board ( e-TOUZ ), and complaints may be submitted in case of non-admission to the Academic Commission or the Doctoral Commission. respectively.

Possible vacant places will be filled by the Academic Committee by going to the corresponding waiting list.

Admission letter

Those people who are admitted will be sent the admission letter signed by the coordinator from the program's administrative headquarters, which will include information about the tutor, director(s), lines of research, and dedication modality. and training complements where appropriate.

The status of doctorate or doctoral student at the University of Zaragoza is acquired with the formalization of registration , for which one month is available from the date of issuance of the Letter of admission to the corresponding doctoral program. Once this period has ended, admission must be requested again.

Tutor, director(s) and line(s) of research

The Academic Committee will appoint the tutor (a doctor with accredited research experience linked to the program) and the director(s) of the thesis (a Spanish or foreign doctor with accredited research experience) and will assign up to a maximum of two lines of research .

It is recommended that the tutor be part of the teaching staff of the Doctoral Program, but it is not strictly necessary. It is important that, in the opinion of the Academic Committee, the person knows the doctoral program well and is close to it. In these cases, the Academic Committee must provide the Doctoral School with justification that the person is linked to the program.

The thesis may be co-directed when there are reasons of an academic nature or thematic interdisciplinarity or when it involves programs developed in national or international collaboration . The Academic Committee must authorize the co-direction and may revoke it later. It may also authorize the co-supervision of the thesis by doctors who do not have accredited research activity, after evaluating their curriculum vitae and the justification of the need/relevance of the same . In no case will the number of directors be greater than three, the authorization of the Doctoral Committee being necessary for the appointment of a third director .

The Academic Committee , after hearing the doctoral student, may modify the appointment of the tutor or the thesis director at any time during the period of completion of the Doctorate, provided that there are justified reasons and both the tutor and at least one The directors meet the requirement of having accredited research experience, and must notify the Doctoral School.

Both the doctoral student and the tutor and the thesis director(s) will expressly express their agreement with the proposed direction by signing the corresponding Doctorate Letter .

Accredited research experience (art. 2.9 of Royal Decree 99/2011, of January 28) : possession of at least one period of research activity recognized by the CNEAI (or equivalent). When the interested person cannot attend the call for evaluation of the research activity and has comparable research merits, they may request recognition of the research experience by submitting the corresponding form through electronic registration to the Doctoral Committee who will decide in accordance with the established criteria .

Dedication modalities

The doctoral student's dedication modality may be full-time or part-time. During the development of the thesis, a change of modality may be requested.

Training complements

Admission to the Doctoral Program may include the requirement of training complements that will be detailed in its resolution. These complements will be established based on the previous studies completed and will consist of completing a certain number of subjects in university Master's studies ( consult each program ), which must be enrolled in  the center responsible for it, presenting to its secretariat:

  • Copy of registration in doctoral academic supervision . 

  • Copy of the admission letter , which lists the training complements that must be taken.

The training complements must be enrolled in the first academic year in which it is possible after enrolling in a doctorate and passed in that academic year, and a second enrollment cannot be made. Failure to comply will result in the definitive withdrawal from the doctoral programme. They will be considered, for the purposes of public prices and the granting of scholarships and study aid, as training at the doctoral level.
If you are in possession of a predoctoral contract, any change in the title of the thesis, directors, etc. requires express approval by the financing body of the corresponding contract , the processing of which will be carried out by the UZ Research Management Service (SGI).



Next step: Enrollment

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