Accreditation of research experience
The Academic Committees of the doctoral programmes must assign the tutor (doctor with accredited research experience linked to the programme) and the supervisor of the doctoral thesis (doctor with accredited research experience).
The Academic Committees must also draw up the proposals for the selection boards, whose members must also be PhDs with accredited research experience.
With regard to the research experience requirement indicated above, it will be considered accredited when:
At least one period of research activity has been recognised by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI), the University Quality and Prospective Agency of Aragon ( ACPUA) or equivalent.
In this case it will be sufficient for people from outside the University of Zaragoza to present the accrediting documentation (this is not necessary if they belong to the University).
Alternatively, and only if it corresponds to a procedure linked to acting as a member of a thesis examining board, it will be sufficient for the interested party to submit a declaration of responsibility in accordance with the following model.
- Have research experience recognised by the Doctoral Commission of the University of Zaragoza.
Persons who cannot accredit research experience may not supervise theses alone, but may co-supervise them with the prior authorisation of the Academic Committee.
- RD 576/2023, of 4 July, defines accredited research experience as the possession of at least one period of research activity recognised by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI) in application of Royal Decree 1086/1989, of 28 August, on the remuneration of university teaching staff, or, in the event of not being in a position to accredit it in this way, having comparable research merits, as established in the regulations of the university itself.
- Agreement of 29 February 2024, of the Steering Committee of the Doctoral School, regarding the requirement of accredited research experience of tutors, directors, co-directors and members of thesis tribunals and the condition of being linked to the doctoral programme of the tutors.